
Your 1:1 Traffic Exchange

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

Subdistrict Arcamanik

Sub-district Name: Iwan Setiawan, SH
NIP: 19600817 198503 017

JL. Cisaranten Kulon Bandung
Tel. 022-7801583
Fax: 022-7801583

Subdistrict Arcamanik has an area of ​​641.044 hectares, which consists of land area land area of ​​564.227 hectares and 153.560 hectares of rice fields.

The Regional District boundaries Arcamanik are as follows:
1. North side : Subdistrict and District Mandalajati Ujungberung City Bandung
2. South : Subdistrict Rancasari Bandung
3. West : Subdistrict Antapani Bandung
4. East of : Subdistrict Cinambo Bandung

Divided into 4 sub-districts Arcamanik Village, namely:

  1. Kelurahan Cisaranten Kulon
  2. Urban Village Development Cisaranten Hope
  3. Kelurahan Sukamiskin
  4. Kelurahan Cisaranten Endah

Potential Areas District Arcamanik that can be used as a mainstay in the development of the region are:

  1. Area of ​​trade, services and offices;
  2. Area attractions / entertainment (the availability of vacant land);
  3. Field Horse Racing and Golf Course;
  4. There are 24 Housing Complex;
  5. In the construction of Unit 2 Simple Rental Flats (Rusunawa).

By law, Bandung Region Number 07 Year 2001 concerning Organization pembemntukan district in Bandung city government environment that is carrying out part of the authority delegated by the Mayor in the field of pemeritahan, Development, Economy, Community, Peace and Order and coordination with various agencies and UPTD autonomous in its working area .


  1. Implementation of government activities, development, economy, society, peace and order;
  2. Implementation of government administrative guidance and services of public administration;
  3. Implementation of technical administrative secretarial services.




  1. Improve the performance of district government apparatus which effectively and efficiently.
    Meaning contained windows and pillars of development is available to professional service, quick, and affordable.
  2. Develop a system of public service and community activities.
    Meaning contained Arcamanik District is the focus to optimize the potential of local public services and facilities through community economic activities to enhance public welfare by optimizing the community participation.
  3. Improving the Environment Settlement and Settlement Services.
    Meaning contained is to be the center of the development of services in the eastern city of Bandung, the neighborhoods and services should be representative.
  4. Improving the Environment Social conditions conducive District.
    Meaning contained is necessary peace and order and social environment conducive conditions as the basis become the center of the city development services in the eastern city of Bandung.


  1. Realizing Reform resources with competence and quality;
  2. Realization of increased community participation in development;
  3. Creation of increased independence of the community;
  4. The creation of effective service management system;
  5. The realization of the government's administrative guidance systems, institutions, and community organizations an effective and efficient.


  1. Improvement of public services;
  2. Overcoming social problems;
  3. Improved economy, the business community, and employment;
  4. Improved facilities and environmental infrastructure, transportation, and worship
  5. Increased enforcement of peace and public order;
  6. Increased participation of communities, institutions, and community organizations in various development activities.

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